Wood Species
Nature has given us an incredible number of choice. Always a solution for any usage

Acacia Mangium is a plantation wood species available in FSC® Certified Imported logs or sawn and/or non certified but still legal and sustainable Philippine supply. Used for flooring, indoor and outdoor furniture.

Alder is available from North America and Russia. A very popular choice for furniture, as an often-cheaper alternative to maple and cherry.

Well known in the Philippines. This heavy hardwood is mainly used for truck-flooring, and outdoor furniture. Contains natural oils which can sometimes bleed when used outdoors.

Ash is grown in Europe as well as North America. We import Ash in veneers and sawn timber for the furniture industry and for decorative panels.

Ayous is an African light-colored species with very smooth finish which is often used as replacement for Almaciga. Mainly used for mouldings and picture frames.

Azobe is also called Iron wood for its extraordinary strength and durability. Used for port buildings and other outdoor projects.

Bangkirai is the Indonesian name for Yakal. It is also available from Malaysia under the name of yellow Balau. We use this species for our decking products. Very durable.

Beech is widespread in Northern Europe and is used for anything from indoor furniture to flooring, doors and joinery. Not suitable for outdoor use.

Birch wood from Northern Europe is an excellent species for plywood, and indoor furniture. We import mainly Birch plywood, and component parts.

Western Red Cedar is one of the exclusive softwoods from North America. It is durable for outdoor use, and most often used for claddings.

Cherry wood is a popular type of hardwood commonly used in furniture, cabinets, and floorings. It is highly valued because it’s beautiful, durable, and easy to work with.

Gmelina is one of the most widespread plantation species in the Philippines. It is mainly used for indoor furniture and for doors.

Eucalyptus grandis is a plantation species grown mainly in South America and Southern Africa. Available in FSC® Certified Logs and Sawn Timber upon request. It is used for indoor as well as outdoor furniture and also for windows and mouldings.

Guanacaste is a native to tropical regions of the Americas. This species is a suited for furniture, table top and slabs.

Iroko is an African species which is a very versatile species suited for outdoor as well as indoor furniture, flooring and joinery.

Kempas is like Yakal, and a good species for outdoor projects. Imported from Malaysia.

Larch is imported from Northern Europe and is excellent for outdoor works, and decking.

Lenga is a plantation wood from Chile, which we can offer as FSC® Certified. With a grain like Cherry, and a color like Maple, it is a very popular new choice for the furniture industry. It can also be used for doors.

Lime is also call basswood and is a light-colored species which is excellent for furniture and mouldings.

Plantation Mahogany in the Philippines can be Swietenia Macrophylla, or Khaya Ivorensis species. It is mostly 20-25 years of growth and mainly used for indoor furniture.

We offer North American Maple and European Sycamore in veneers and sawn timber. This is a popular species for indoor furniture and decorative panels.

Dark Red Meranti is a natural wood species from Malaysia and Indonesie. It is a Shorea species, and almost identical to “Lauan”, or Philippine Mahogany.

Merbau is also known as Kwila, or Ipil in the Philippines. It is a hard species, well suited for flooring and decking, and popular for joinery and tabletops.

Okan is a very durable wood from Africa. Often used as replacement for Yakal for outdoor and marine applications.

Okoume is very similar to Lauan or Tanguile and is imported from Africa for doors and joinery.

Padouk is a Pterocarpus species just like Narra. It is a big darker in color and used as Narra replacement for flooring, doors, jambs, and furniture.

Pine has quickly become one of the most popular species in the Philippines due it’s versatile uses. We import mainly form Europe and North America.

Poplar is available from Europe and North America. It is a popular species for hidden parts of furniture, and for plywood production. Light weight and color.

Red Oak is a cheaper alternative to White Oak and is one of USA’s most popular species for furniture and flooring.

ROSEWOOD (Red Narra)
Narra is not available from the Philippines but is still possible to import from Solomons and PNG, where it is called Rosewood. As an endangered species, FILTRA has chosen not to carry this species in our assortment but offer several sustainable alternatives.

Sapelli is an African Mahogany type which is very popular as veneers for paneling and doors. We can source this in FSC® Certified Sawn Timbers.

Spruce is very similar to pine, and just as versatile. It is lighter in color and with smaller knots. It is often mixed in SPF (Spruce/Pine/Fir) from North America. From Europe we import pure spruce species also.

Surian is the Malaysian name for Kalantas, which is know for it’s beaty for decorative items, and has a very pleasant cedar smell.

Tali is like Okan and thus also to Yakal and is used for outdoor purposes such as decking.

Teak is one of the best-known commercial wood species in the world. Grown mainly in plantation, but also available in natural form from Burma, it is used for almost any purpose. Excellent for outdoor and marine purposes.

Vitex is the same as Philippine Molave and is imported from PNG and Solomons. Excellent durable wood.

Walnut is imported from Europe as well as North America. It is widely used in high end furniture. We import veneers as well as sawn timber.

Wenge is one of the most premium species we have in stock. It is very dark with a pronounced grain and very sought after for musical instruments and furniture.

Oak is available from Europe and USA. We mainly import white oak sawn timber and veneers for furniture production.
Wood Species
Nature has given us an incredible number of choice. Always a solution for any usage

Philippine and Scandinavian Design, FILTRA Inc.
Patiis Road, Barangay Guinayang
San Mateo, Rizal
1850 Philippines
Tel: (+632) 8254-9915 (+632) 8254-9917 (+632) 8254-7040
Mobile: (+63) 917-622-2640
E-mail: info@filtratimber.com