Filtra Timber is committed to the environment, ensuring that all our wood comes from sustainable and legal sources. Wood is the best material in the world provided it comes from well managed forests.
Filtra Timber is the wood division of Philippine & Scandinavian Design, Filtra Inc., that is an FSC® and PEFC™ Certified trading company. Filtra caters several wood species which are FSC® and PEFC™ certified. You may contact us & ask for our FSC® and PEFC™ certified products.
Forest Stewardship Council®
Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is a non-profit organization that covers over 200 million hectares of certified forests. FSC® exists to provide a sustainable forest management solution that is trusted by NGOs, consumers and businesses alike to protect healthy and resilient forests. As the most recognized, trusted and rigorous forest certification system, FSC®’s responsible forestry standard, linked to a strict chain of custody certification, is a proven solution to tackle today’s climate and biodiversity challenges. This means choosing FSC® certified organizations helps protect the future of forests and the communities who depend on them. For more details, you may check out their official website at https://fsc.org/en. Click here to view our certificate and license code. (FSC Trademark License: FSC-C111088)
Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification
PEFC™ is an international non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) through independent third-party certification. With more than 40 endorsed national certification systems and over 320 million hectares of certified forests, PEFC™ is the world’s largest forest certification system. By working throughout the entire forest supply chain, PEFC™ promotes good practice in the forest and ensures that timber and non-timber forest products are produced with respect for the highest ecological, social and ethical standards. Thanks to the PEFC™ label, customers and consumers are able to identify products from sustainably managed forests. For more details, you may check out their official website at https://www.pefc.org/. Click here to view our certificate and license code.
Wood is the world’s best building material. Why? Not only will supply last forever, provided we ensure a sustainable forest management, it also locks in the harmful CO2 gases and produce oxygen. While we should promote the conservation of forests, it is likewise important to promote the increased utilization of wood supply for the following reasons:

- Timber is a source of Carbon Stock
- Timber and other solid wood products are renewable and Environment Friendly as long as harvesting is practiced sustainably
- Durability that can last a lifetime which in the long run reduces material usage for replacements/rebuilding in the long run
- Wide range of wood species for various purposes
- Patronizing legal wood from legitimate suppliers takes away the chance of illegal wood supplier to sell their products.
Is your wood legal and sustainable?
- Definitely. Our products come from legal forest plantations in different parts of the world.
Is it legal to sell wood even if there’s a log ban in the country?
- Yes it is. The law prohibits logging of natural forests here in the country. Importing timber and wood products is legal as long as we have the necessary permits and documents.
Do you have permits to sell wood?
- Yes. We have all the necessary permits needed to operate.
Filtra Timber is 100% environment friendly, making use of wood coming only from sustainable, and legal sources. Wood is the best material in the world provided that we ensure sustainability and accountability.

Philippine and Scandinavian Design, FILTRA Inc.
Patiis Road, Barangay Guinayang
San Mateo, Rizal
1850 Philippines
Tel: (+632) 8254-9915 (+632) 8254-9917 (+632) 8254-7040
Mobile: (+63) 917-622-2640
E-mail: info@filtratimber.com